The murder weapon is found lying beside the dead body only which is a very old-fashioned antique revolver. When the dead body is found, its deteriorated and stinking condition makes it apparent that the murder had taken place at least 5-6 days back without coming to anybody's knowledge for that much time.

Prime Suspect tells the story of a murder in a private cottage in that region during the particular season itself which is of a multi-millionaire businessman of Rajnagar, Lalchand G. allows the people to fish there during that season. In a particular season (November-February), trouts are found in plenty in the river flowing through that region and the govt. Pathak that they contain a very lively portrayal of a fictitious city, Rajnagar and the connected places, mainly a tourist place, Jhery and its nearby spots too including Sunderban which is known (in his novels) as a trout-fishing region. In my review of Andheri Raat, I had spelled out the unique characteristic of the Sunil Series novels penned by S.M.

It is a Hindi novel penned by the famous Hindi pulp fiction writer of mystery and thriller genre - Surendra Mohan Pathak. Before starting my review, let me clarify that only the title of this book is in English, else it is not an English novel.